March 07, 2025

Faced with transformation and upgrading, Chengdu LED enterprises quietly laid out civil lighting

Speaking of LED, the first thing that non-industry people think of is the display on the square. However, it is little known that LEDs, as a kind of light source, can be used for lighting by flying into the homes of ordinary people. In recent years, due to factors such as overcapacity and vicious competition, the LED industry has begun to face the pain of transformation and upgrading, and many companies are looking for a way out. In the eyes of the industry, civil lighting is the future of the LED industry. Many LED leading companies in Chengdu have also “sneaked into the village” and stepped into the pursuit of new fields.

Lack of standard, overcapacity, vicious competition

“A product just listed, there will be a lot of imitation products.” Zhang Wengao, head of the marketing department of Sichuan Lanjing Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. told reporters that the company’s main field is advertising, which is a highly segmented market in the LED industry, even In this way, the competition is still very large. “The LED display field is the most competitive, and the frequency of entry and exit is very fast.” Zhang Wengao said that this was the result of a large amount of capital entering in the past few years. “Too much money entered, too much foam, and overcapacity.”

"We have no other way, only to keep moving forward." Zhang Wengao said that the company's sales last year was 300 million yuan, a leading position in Sichuan, many products also have patents, but still dare not relax, "LED in 2008 It is only slowly growing up in the country around the year. Like the electronics industry, the time for upgrading is very fast. There is no national standard for the time being, and there is disorderly competition."

Some experts predict that if the LED industry does not change the disorderly competition, produce low-end products, and rely on the state, it will likely repeat the old road of wind power and photovoltaic industry, and prosperity will become a short-lived.

Turn around and seize the 250 billion market quietly deploying civil lighting

From the surface, the main market of Lanjing Optoelectronics is the advertising logo, but the company has already begun to lay out the lighting industry.

“A specialized company has been set up to develop the lighting field, accounting for about 20% of the company.” Zhang Wengao said that the main market is currently commercial. “In the future, it will increase investment, which is the focus of the company in the future.” According to the reporter This series of actions is very low-key.

In fact, the lighting field has been the main direction of the transformation of many LED companies. The Xinli Light Source, which is well known to the public as a subway project, began to lay out the lighting field as early as 2008. "We are more optimistic about the civilian market. It is expected that the investment and revenue of civil lighting will exceed that of commercial lighting and engineering in five years." The staff said.

“The LED advertising logo is about 10 billion yuan in the domestic market, but the lighting market has about 250 billion yuan.” Zhang Wengao said that although the competition is still huge, the advantages of traditional lighting giants such as Op Lighting and NVC Lighting are obvious, but by virtue of technology advantages. Many LED companies are still aiming at the "cake" of lighting.

Crouching is currently a "shuffle period" waiting for technology and price opportunities

"At present, the civil lighting market is still in the dormant period, and it is not suitable for large-scale entry." The person in charge of Xinli Light Source said that it is currently necessary to compete with traditional lighting for channel distributors. Many distributors are only initially testing water LED lighting, channel construction environment and Not mature. Secondly, if the distribution point is arranged to a certain extent, there is still a big problem. The price of LED lamps is relatively higher than the price of fluorescent lamps. Although it has the characteristics of energy saving and environmental protection, the market of ordinary people still needs to be cultivated.

"Technical aspects also need to be improved." Zhang Wengao said that from the specific occasions of civil lighting analysis, there is still a gap between LED lighting and laboratory data, only the price of LED lamps declines, technology upgrades, increased awareness and so on. When the conditions are ripe, the market will show an upward trend.

Zhang Wengao said frankly that it is the "shuffle period" of the LED industry. "Some companies can't hold back. It is normal to disappear. Because the market is more and more rational, there will still be many big companies to stay. This industry is still a sunrise industry. With the introduction of industry standards, policy support has gradually landed, prices and technology have gradually merged with the market, and market space and benefits will soon come."

(This article is reproduced on the Internet. The texts and opinions expressed in this article have not been confirmed by this site, nor do they represent the position of Gaogong LED. Readers need to verify the relevant content by themselves.)

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