Oculus cast a bet on mobile VR and not only partnered with Samsung to launch Gear VR, but last year it also showed plans for its own VR all-in-one. Well, as the main force of VR, HTC, many people want to know if it will also make efforts on mobile VR products. Recently, HTC gave the answer. According to HTC’s CFO Zhang Jialin’s speech at the conference of U Ultra mobile phones in Singapore, Vive still focuses on the high-end market, and will make VR mobile in the future, and it is very different from mobile VR, a simple mobile VR. This product will be launched this year. Samsung Mobile's Gear VR and Google's Daydream are currently the main mobile VR handsets with its headphone display. However, neither of these devices actually implement "inside-out" tracking. Google hopes to merge its Tango and Daydream platforms, but after all, At present, VR rendering and location tracking on smartphones have not overcome the problem of fever. According to HTC's "big difference", VR Technology Network believes that this device is likely to be a VR all-in-one and has "inside-out" tracking capabilities. For now, Oculus, Intel, and Qualcomm are all developing prototypes of their own VR all-in-one machines, and they all have "inside-out" tracking capabilities. This new device from HTC should have such a capability. It should be a trend. The space for the machine is larger, and it can be more weighed to solve the problem of performance and heat generation. As a result, it will become possible to cooperate with Google to merge the Tango and Daydream platforms. Perhaps HTC will enter the Daydream ecosystem through this mobile device, and we will follow more details, so stay tuned. Sensor Cable,M5 Cable,M12 Cable,M16 Cable Dongguan City Yuanyue Electronics Co.Ltd , https://www.yuanyueconnector.com
HTC pushes mobile VR devices at the end of the year, which is “very different†from mobile VR
HTC pushes mobile VR devices at the end of the year, which is different from mobile VR. It comes from Baidu VR.