Tencent Digital News (Compiler: Remarks) Samsung has been making continuous efforts in the field of virtual reality, and as the earliest batch of manufacturers entering the VR field, Samsung continues to improve its products. In 2014, Samsung released the Galaxy Note 4 and the first-generation Gear VR at the IFA in Berlin, representing Samsung's formal involvement in the field of virtual reality. Although it is similar to the principle of Google Cardboard, it has a lot of experience and workmanship. Later, Samsung began to establish a partnership with Oculus. The significance of the representative has far exceeded the equipment such as Cardboard, and Gear VR has become the most representative product in the field of mobile VR. The new generation of Gear VR released this year has once again improved the product. Although it is not obvious, it has been improved in many details. On the table, the biggest change in the new generation of Gear VR is color. Samsung is very concerned about the details, and after considering it gave up the original white body, changed to a dark-colored ink blue. Because too many users complain that the white body is too dirty and easy to transmit. At the same time the black body looks more textured and can eliminate the above problems. Var related_video_info = { vid: 's00212wbirc', cid: '', url: 'http://v.qq.com/page/s/r/c/s00212wbirc.html', pic: 'http://vpic. 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For example, fillings that touch the face are now softer and thicker. And almost no light penetrates after wearing, and it looks more beautiful. Material materials are also better than the previous generation. In addition, the cortical conditioning band of the new generation of Gear VR is also properly lengthened, and many people often overlook this improvement. You know, if the strap design is not in place, it can easily slip off the nose and even affect breathing. Samsung's details on wearing comfort have also improved a lot on Gear VR. Although there is still some discomfort after wearing it for a long time, the whole has improved a lot, which also allows us to see Samsung's improvement in the overall immersive experience. In addition, the vision of the new Gear VR has also been expanded from 96 degrees to 101 degrees. Although it seems that the promotion is not enough, the difference in wear is obvious. Another highlight of the new Gear VR is its compatibility with older devices. This time, Samsung obviously wants to expand the potential users' buying desires, so unlike previous models that only match specific models, users do not need to upgrade to the latest Galaxy Note 7, including Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S6 users. Of course, there are two curved surface devices, the Galaxy S7 Edge and the Galaxy S6 Edge. In addition, the new Gear VR is also compatible with the Galaxy Note 5, but does not support Note 4. This is slightly disappointing for the first Gear VR users. In addition, Samsung has increased marketing efforts for the new Gear VR, and the price of 99 US dollars (about 658 yuan) seems to have the hope to perform better than the previous generation. In terms of scalability, Samsung has designed a special converter for the new Gear VR, which can be replaced with a USB interface using the USB Type-C interface. The outer side of the Gear VR where this converter is installed can switch back and forth between the two interfaces. In addition to being used on the Gear VR, it can also be used to connect gamepads, so that not only rely on Bluetooth to solve. At the same time, there are more potential options for such a design in the future, and many more third-party developers will implement it in the future. In other parts, Samsung has basically retained the previous generation design on the new generation of Gear VR, including control buttons and touch panel interfaces. Buttons are still provided with a back button and a home button, making it easy to use Gear VR's exclusive launcher. The launcher interface is basically the same as the previous generation and works very smoothly. Operate through Gear VR's dedicated navigation interface. As for the content, as with most of the current VR platforms, they are uneven and mixed, but the future will gradually become better. Including categories, lists, search, and other features are as much as we expect, and each app has a user rating. If a particular app needs to use a handle or networking, there are hints on the page. The app store can be accessed via VR mode, and it works very well. You can see almost everything you want to see. Gesture control is very easy to use, the entire process can be successfully completed in VR mode, and can be very naturally guided to the next step. In fact, in VR mode, smart phones still work, and Samsung will push notifications on the top of the screen, but it can only be displayed in a floating manner. Similarly, you can use the buttons on the Gear VR to access the menu. We can also check the use of time, the remaining power, and even screenshots. Taking into account all factors, including compatibility, $99 price, and more and more VR content, the new generation of Gear VR truly reflects Samsung's efforts in the field of virtual reality. After several years of precipitation, this generation of Gear VR has become a very good mobile VR device, not just a gimmick or development tool. If Samsung can bundle Gear VR with Galaxy Note 7 in the future, this sales strategy will undoubtedly further promote the popularity of VR products, and it is likely to become one of the most popular virtual reality products in the future. Source: gsmarena .wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; } STF224 Series Brushless AC Alternator STF224 Series Alternator Suppliers
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New Gear VR hands-on experience exquisite workmanship
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