Synopsis: Urban family ethical comedy "My family is pleased" from the new version of "My Fair Princess," the original version was created, Hai Lu, Li Jia Hang starring, director Ding Yanguo directed, Hunan Satellite TV, Shanghai Chuang Yi joint production. The drama focuses on the joys and sorrows of a military family. Bai Shangwu, who is a military instructor, has four daughters. Bai Shui, who played by Hai Lu, ranked third. His father, Bai Shangwu, was a soldier of military origin. He was strict with his four daughters and was militarized in management. He hoped that all four daughters would be able to inherit the father’s fatherhood and become soldiers. She never expected that the daughters would all be with him... It is recommended that everyone download the sofa butler to watch "My family has happiness" on the smart TV or TV box. You can download the "Magic Video", "Pudding Video" and other video on demand applications for free at the smart TV or TV box via the sofa butler. The sofa butler integrates a large number of video applications in the market, and can install or update these applications in one click, achieving the purpose of viewing "My family has happiness". Sofa butler installation address:
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